Before we went on Spring Break we planted our Three Sisters Garden. The students help to build the brick wall out of the decorated bricks. Mr. Schneider helped out and delivered a huge truckload of dirt. We created seven or so mounds all around the tipi in the dirt. On each mound we planted three bean plants and several corn seeds. At the base of each mound we planted a couple of squash plants. The plants were started from seeds in our very own school greenhouse. We have carefully, tended to them for the past month or so. We planted extra bean plants close to the tipi poles. Eventually, the beans will wind their way up the large tipi poles.  We hope to harvest the vegetables before the end of the school year...and have a feast.
Gavin S.
4/28/2010 01:48:53 pm

it was really fun fixing up the garden and painting the bricks

5/10/2010 10:14:27 am

It was hard work but it was worth it! It was also fun. When the plants started shrivling up and turning into dead plants I was very disapointed. Then we went to the garden again a few days later and planted new plants!


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