In class we are reading a book called Indians of the Oaks by Milicent Lee. This books has two tales to tell. In the first tale a young white boy comes to live with the Kumeyaay, also known as the Diegueno, of Southern California. The second tales is the story of a young girl from the same tribe who learns a new kind of medicine when she falls ill and is cared for by a white doctor.
This is a fabulous book because as you read these tales you learn interesting facts about the traditional lifestyles of the Kumeyaay Indians.

What interesting facts have you learned about the Kumeyaay? Please share them in a comment.
3/16/2010 07:02:42 am

we learned they ate plants.they ate food like rattle snakes,mescal.Sounds nasty but that's all they had

3/16/2010 07:06:21 am

this fast paced,book is a great way to learn how the Kumeyaay lived.-Tim

3/16/2010 07:08:36 am

I like this book because its really interesting. You can learn about the they eat and what they wear.

3/16/2010 07:09:20 am

The field trip yesterday was fun.The Black Sage was to rub over your body so the animals do not smell you.

3/16/2010 07:09:37 am

We learned how the Kumeyaay lived. The Kumeyaay ate the mescal plant. They roasted it in pits.

3/16/2010 07:10:33 am

This is a great book!!!!I am learning alot about the Kumeyaay Indians.I am listining to the book I wish we read more!!!I learnd that the Kumeyaay are vary interesting.I love learning about the Komeyaay Indians!!!

Gavin S.
4/28/2010 01:45:14 pm

I REALY!!! like this book and it has a lot of infromation in it


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