Mark Twain puppet
Last month we studied the biography genre. We read a biography about Abraham Lincoln together. The students chose and researched a famous person by themselves. In class they took notes on index cards and then used the notes to create a short speech. Students created puppets at home and practiced their speeches. The speeches were then presented to the class the first week of March. Here are the audio files from those presentations.
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Monday's Presentations
Tuesday's Presentations
Wednesday's Presentation
Thursday's Presentations
Friday's Presentations
3/16/2010 07:01:34 am

3/16/2010 07:09:55 am

I liked finding about the Lemonade Berries at Callibreo during the field trip yesterday. The berries it produces smell like lemonade too. The Kumeyaay used it to eat a hundred years ago by drying it and boiling it.

Gavin S.
4/29/2010 11:37:46 am

It was hard but FUN!! presenting our speaches and holding are pupets AT THE SAME TIME!!!


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